
Come With Me on this Journey of Self-Discovery

We should find joy in the little things in life. Gratitude plays a large part in our lives. Make it a habit to say “thank you” every day and it is true that gratitude makes you a magnet for more good things. Gratitude transforms your life in ways that you cannot imagine it. Many people keep searching for happiness in all the wrong places. My late friend, God rest her soul, has been married three times and I believe that if she had not passed away suddenly, she would have gone on to her fourth husband.

From personal experience, I have learned that true happiness comes from within. We have to learn how to love ourselves first and be happy with the person we are before we are able to love and find true happiness with someone else. It had taken me almost the whole of my life to search for that happiness within myself. I am happy to say that I have finally found what I have been searching for all these years!

It is in this self-awareness that I realize is that one is worth true love and happiness. Follow me on this journey of self-love and awareness on “The Pursuit of Happiness” which every single person on this good earth is searching for all their lives. Some think that they can find happiness when they make their first million only to realize that they will be happier if they make another and another. Some think that they will find their soul mates and be happy if they keep searching from one person to another. Others, more often than not, think that they will be happy if they keep buying whatever brings them joy but alas, that joy is only fleeting until they feel dissatisfied again. Joy and Happiness, my friends, are truly found within yourself. Come with me on this journey of self-discovery and BE HAPPY!! #selfdiscovery #journeyoflife

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