Italy8 (1)



I have thought all my life that I love France and Paris, the city of lights. It was only last summer when I had spent a month traveling to Rome and the major cities in Italy that I have come to realize that I have fallen in love with Italy. It is as if I had to say “goodbye” to an old love in favor of a new one. One can only have one love (well, at least for me) so I have let “my old love” go…

After a month’s stay in Italy, I had realized that Italy suits my temperament perfectly. The Italians are expressive and usually loud (which I can be sometimes) but most of all, I find most Italians being passionate about life. They have this zest for life called “La Dolce Vita” (The Sweet Life) Many years ago, during my younger days, I had worn a blouse with the emblazon words “La Dolce Vita” and a priest asked me whether I knew what it meant. Decades later, I have finally found the true meaning of “La Dolce Vita”

Follow me as I live my “La Dolce Vita”….more updates coming soon…

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