Life is a dream

Life is a Dream…

“Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.”

“Life is a dream for the wise”
The wise understand the transience of life. They know how temporary their lives are. Dreams are like this.

“a game for the fool”
The fools don’t take their lives seriously. They don’t see the consequences their actions have for themselves and others.

“a comedy for the rich”
The point of view of the rich is so skewed, they can’t see how it is for everyone else. They can only look at the struggling peasants and laugh. At the very least, they don’t understand.

“a tragedy for the poor”
This one is pretty self-explanatory. The poor suffer the most, always. Often, they suffer for no reason whatsoever and die never knowing the purpose of their lives.


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