Your own best friend

Be Your Own Best Friend, Believe in Yourself (Part II)

Learn How To Trust Yourself for Life with these 4 Simple Tips! 

Learn to be your own best friend. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Nobody’s opinion matters more than your own. There are many people who will come and go over the course of your life but the one person who will always be there is YOURSELF! Knowing how to trust yourself with your own capacity to make decisions and do what is best for you will propel you into success. Stop limiting your potential because you are afraid of the unknown.  My firm belief is that if you do not try, how are you to succeed in Life. As the saying goes “If you do not go after what you want, you will never have it. If you do not ask, the answer is always NO. If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place.” 
With a few simple tools and techniques, you can build your self-trust and confidence. I have built my self-confidence with the help of the Holy Spirit, the spirit of truth and light. One never goes wrong with its help. The Spirit is the best teacher, imparting wisdom and great intuition in your personal life. So how do we do it? How can we learn to trust ourselves?
1. Enquire Within
In order to learn self-trust, the first step is to invite the Holy Spirit into your life. Remember that God said that He would not leave us orphans. He will send a great helper to assist us in our lives. “…the Spirit of truth. The world cannot receive Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you do know Him, for He abides 
with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.  In a little while, the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you also will live…” John 17:19Consider the reason or reasons why you do not trust yourself. Maybe you lack self-confidences?

Perhaps you made bad decisions in the past that have left you feeling insecure about your ability to make good choices. Maybe someone told you that you were not trustworthy and you now believe it to be true. Whatever your reasons are, it is important to become aware of them, so you can bring awareness to the story you are holding onto because of past mistakes. 

Never give up! If you fall, just pick yourself up, dust off and continue the journey! The truth of the matter is that you are capable of trusting yourself, you need to keep telling yourself that you can do it!! A positive mind is most important if you want to lead a successful life!!

2. Cultivate connection

Interestingly, for a lot of people, the fear they hold around trusting themselves is actually because they have very little connection to their inner voice. Consider this: It would be pretty hard to trust a friend or family member if you barely ever spoke to them right? You would not trust someone you hardly talk to, help you to make big decisions in your life, would you? The same applies to your self. If you never tune in with your own inner being, how can you possibly trust it? In order to re-gain your own trust, you need to create a strong inner dialogue that you can call upon at any time.

3. Practice self-love


In order to learn to activate your own inner wisdom, you need to cultivate a strong connection to your inner world. This is a great step of self-awareness and toward self-mastery. Make a conscious effort to practice listening to your inner world.

Start simple, like keeping promises that you make to yourself. Another great practice for connecting to yourself is to simply place your hand on your heart and say “I love you, I am listening.” This practice is like starting a conversation with your own heart.

4. Let go

In the process of learning to trust yourself, it is incredibly important to also recognize the people around you.  Let go of people who doubt you, let go of toxic and fake friendships. Choose to spend time with people who will bring out the best in you, remind you how you are able to do it and encourage you to be brave with your choices and decisions. In life, we win or we learn. We only fail if we stop trying.

Learning to trust your instincts and intuition can feel scary at first; work with the Spirit, the more you do it, the easier it gets. Practice makes perfect. You will make mistakes, of course, that is the nature of learning. But over time, you will get better and better at learning to trust yourself. 

Self-trust means knowing that you can handle anything that life throws at you. because you are capable, powerful and strong! Keep going on.

Life is waiting for you!!

#beyourownbestfriend #selflove


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