Yesterday is History, Tomorrow a Mystery and today a Gift..that is Why it is called THE PRESENT

Every day we are either ruminating about the past or worrying about the future. But when you are lost in thoughts about the past or future, you miss out on being in the present which is where life actually happens. 

This powerful quote by famous author Bil Keane (creator of the newspaper comic – ‘The Family Circus’) tries to explain the same in the most lucid and poetic way possible.

Yesterday is over; it cannot be recreated. Things once done cannot be undone.  So there is no point in thinking about them beyond a certain point. That is why it is ‘history.’  Yes, you can learn from the past, but living in the past will deter you from moving forward and stunt your personal growth. 

Similarly, the future is yet to happen and is unpredictable. Tomorrow is also not promised. You can make plans for the future but obsessively thinking about the future is only going to leave you feeling drained and anxious. It is pointless to worry about the future or plan for it. As the saying goes ‘Man proposes, God disposes’ so what is the point of being anxious about something beyond our control? 

Instead, the real gift of life lies in the present moment. Every day is indeed a gift from God. That is why it is called ‘The Present”  and when you shift your attention to today, by becoming conscious of the present, you start to realize the hidden power in the present which you can use to mold your life for the future. Be present and live in the moment of today.

There is immense power in the present moment. If you waste your energy thinking of what you did or did not do in the past, it will deter you from taking the right action in the present. So, let go and let God! Have faith and focus on the present moment.

You have this day to yourself and what you do today will change your future. That’s the power that today holds.

A seed you plant today will manifest into a tree in the future. A task you start today will help you reach your goals in the future. So do not underestimate the power that lies in the present moment.

Every morning is a new beginning.

When you wake up in the morning, don’t think about the things that went wrong in the past or the ones that could go wrong in the future.

Instead, bring your attention to the present moment and realize that today is a brand new day and it is filled with amazing possibilities and opportunities. These opportunities will reveal them to you only when you live in the present.

There is immense power and opportunities hidden in the here and now; all you need to do is become conscious of these opportunities by becoming present.

When you stop ruminating and become present, the grace hidden in the present moment reveals itself to you. You open yourself up to attracting new ideas and energy from the universe that will encourage you to take positive action.

Carpe Diem!! Sieze the Day!!!

Today is yours for the taking, go ahead and seize the day. Make this day matter!

It does not matter how small your action is as long as you take action. Remember that every drop makes the ocean. So there is no action that is too small. Every conscious action you take helps shape your future.

Even an action as small as thinking about your future goals, reflecting on your life, and figuring out what you really want can make a massive difference to your future. The action does not always mean physical action, even thinking a positive thought is an action in the right direction. Every thought you think shapes your life.

So think of how you can make use of this precious day. Make an effort to let go of thoughts about the past and worries about the future and to bring all your focus to the present even if it is only for a few minutes. Even a few minutes of positive action is worth it.


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