
USA, a Whole New World

So, it was a “whole new world” for all of us but we were able to adapt since we were always traveling to the US for holidays ever so often from Singapore.

It was in December when we first arrived. The cold was really getting to me as I was not used to the winter, coming from the tropics. It’s always summer in Singapore!! First thing first was to get our driver’s license converted and we had to remember it was a left-hand drive in the US!! It took me a year to get used to it and I thank those patient Californian drivers who had to stay clear of me each time I swerve to the right!! I had to pluck up courage each time I get on to the freeway to Santa Monica when I drop off my older daughter off to college.

Everything was “new” except the language (thank goodness!) Setting up a house, bringing up children was not an easy task. This, coupled with grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning the house and running around with and for the children was quite a feat! Nevertheless, my “never say die” attitude won the day, every day.

In hindsight, I had wondered how I had survived those first few months in a new country with young (well, at least my younger two) children. It was always one thing after another…looking for suitable schools for my two daughters. Getting them ready for school and into a new school curriculum and environment. Due to our housing situation as posted airline staff., we need to move every two years when the contract is due. After three years of living in Los Angeles, we were relocated by the company to San Francisco.

It was just as well and the timing could not be more perfect. My elder daughter was accepted into UC Berkely and it was another time to re-adjust to a new city. Initially, I was missing Los Angeles and all my friends there but there is something special about San Francisco. It began to grow on me. Now, I cannot imagine living anywhere else…

So, we are here to stay…

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